Friday, March 21, 2008

Table Saw, Jig Saw and Miter Saw -- Nested Tables 7

Today was all about finishing off the bulk ripping and cross cutting. You can see first I had to cut some shorts off of a very large piece of Mahogany. This piece is huge. It's about 12" by 7/8ths by about 9 ft. long. This is very awkward to crosscut with a table saw. I always get out my jig saw in cases like this. You can see the table saw is very useful as a workbench, if nothing else.

The small stiles that are the indicative feature that makes the project look like craftsman style all come from my horde of 1/2 by 3/4" rippings. You can see why I have to include this design element into the piece. I have tons of this stuff to get rid of.

Now a bunch of careful crosscutting with my antique Langdon Miter saw and it's all coming together. This thing rates high on the gizmosity scale and it actually works very well.

And here's the final results: All of the bulk ripping of the linear pieces. Note: It is essential to keep all the pieces organized. With all the bulk pieces for three tables at once, it's easy to get them intermingled. Now it's time for jointing the tops. That's tomorrow's chore.

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